Let's start with what a tumor actually is . Basically , tumors are abnormal cells that grow at a faster rate than normal cells . A tumor can be benign ( meaning not malignant ) or malignant ( muh-lig-nuhnt meaning cancerous )
There are many different types of brain tumors . First , primary brain tumors are tumors that begin in the brain ( not traveling from another part of the body ) . Any primary tumor refers to the type of tissue where the tumor first appeared . The most common brain tumors are call gliomas ( that's pronounced glahy-oh-muh ) . A secondary tumor is one in which the cells travel from another area of the body - so a in the brain , a secondary tumor would be cells that traveled into the brain ( via blood stream ) and burrowed in and started multiplying cells in its new home .
There are a couple types of gliomas :
Astrocytomas ( pronounced Äs'trÅ-sÄ«-tÅ'mÉ™ )- this is a cluster of star-shaped cells referred to as astrocytes . These can grow anywhere in the brain or spinal cord ; but there are general pattern that seems to occur . Astrocytomas are most often found in the brain for adults but in the brain stem in children .
Most people know that cancer has many grades - I , II , III , and IV . Identifying cancer early allows a patient to be treated quickly and more effectively .
Anaplastic astrocytoma : This is a grade III astrocytoma .
Glioblastoma multiforme ( pronounced glee-o-blas-TO-ma multih-FOR-may ) : This is a grade IV astrocytoma .
Check Out These Signs
The most frequent symptoms of brain tumors include :
Headaches that tend to be worse in the morning and ease during the day
Seizures- what my brother experienced was little spaces of time that he couldn't account for . For example , while ordering food in a restaurant , he would suddenly stop talking - that was the extent of his seizure for many years until he had a grand mal seizure ( that's the kind of seizure with convulsions ) .
Weakness or loss of feeling in the arms or legs
Nausea or vomiting
Stumbling or lack of coordination in walking ( ataxic gait )
Abnormal eye movements or changes in vision
Changes in personality or memory
Changes in speech : My brother lost his ability to speak well ; this was because the tumor was in his speech center in his brain . This became one of our biggest clues to his condition .
Don't overlook any of these signs or symptoms in the people you love . Educating yourself and being observant may just help someone you know get the help they need before it's too late.
There are many different types of brain tumors . First , primary brain tumors are tumors that begin in the brain ( not traveling from another part of the body ) . Any primary tumor refers to the type of tissue where the tumor first appeared . The most common brain tumors are call gliomas ( that's pronounced glahy-oh-muh ) . A secondary tumor is one in which the cells travel from another area of the body - so a in the brain , a secondary tumor would be cells that traveled into the brain ( via blood stream ) and burrowed in and started multiplying cells in its new home .
There are a couple types of gliomas :
Astrocytomas ( pronounced Äs'trÅ-sÄ«-tÅ'mÉ™ )- this is a cluster of star-shaped cells referred to as astrocytes . These can grow anywhere in the brain or spinal cord ; but there are general pattern that seems to occur . Astrocytomas are most often found in the brain for adults but in the brain stem in children .
Most people know that cancer has many grades - I , II , III , and IV . Identifying cancer early allows a patient to be treated quickly and more effectively .
Anaplastic astrocytoma : This is a grade III astrocytoma .
Glioblastoma multiforme ( pronounced glee-o-blas-TO-ma multih-FOR-may ) : This is a grade IV astrocytoma .
Check Out These Signs
The most frequent symptoms of brain tumors include :
Headaches that tend to be worse in the morning and ease during the day
Seizures- what my brother experienced was little spaces of time that he couldn't account for . For example , while ordering food in a restaurant , he would suddenly stop talking - that was the extent of his seizure for many years until he had a grand mal seizure ( that's the kind of seizure with convulsions ) .
Weakness or loss of feeling in the arms or legs
Nausea or vomiting
Stumbling or lack of coordination in walking ( ataxic gait )
Abnormal eye movements or changes in vision
Changes in personality or memory
Changes in speech : My brother lost his ability to speak well ; this was because the tumor was in his speech center in his brain . This became one of our biggest clues to his condition .
Don't overlook any of these signs or symptoms in the people you love . Educating yourself and being observant may just help someone you know get the help they need before it's too late.
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