Health Tips

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss And control.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The Foods For Low Cholesterol

Some foods are known to raise cholesterol . Some are known to lower cholesterol . Replace the bad foods with the good foods . It's like killing two birds with one stone . Most of us know unhealthy food when we see it . But it's not so obvious which foods are really good , especially when it comes to reducing cholesterol .So here's the list of the top 10 foods to lower cholesterol . Most lists like this are very similar , which means they're probably accurate as well .Dark ChocolateThis is a good choice because it tastes great and helps lower your...

Anxiety And Phobia

How to get over driving fear Overcome Driving Fear , Anxiety and PhobiaThat is an issue that does have an answer . The routine activity of grabbing the keys off the counter . Heading out the door . Slipping behind the wheel of the family car is not just a struggle . It's an all out nightmare . While the psychologists may not have coined a precise scientific term for the driving fear . This phobia is a legitimate concern for many Americans . Performing simple tasks . Like going to the grocery store or picking up the kids from school . It can be...

Drugs Addiction Treatment

If you are trying to get past drug , alcohol , or prescription medication addiction , you have to know where to go when searching for the best addiction treatment centres . Each level of addiction is different from the next , and each individual is going to respond to treatment in a different way ; for this reason , each individual has to consider their addiction , the level of the addiction , and what they are addicted to , in order to find the one solution and treatment option that is best for them , and the level of addiction they are trying...

Causes & Remedies Of Teeth Pain

While growing wisdom teeth is an assured signal you have reached an age of maturity , that new molars may also be a supply of distress or pain . When wisdom teeth grow in a misaligned manner , it could cause some pressure on the nearby gums and teeth . Depending on the extent of the misalignment , the extent and magnitude of the pain may vary from individual to individual .There are many ways by which a wisdom tooth can grow out of alignment . The first typical condition occurs when the tooth is placed close to each other that there is no room...

Acupuncture And The Headaches

Do you suffer from headaches ? If you do , you're not alone . The New York Times disclosed that 73% of Americans suffer from headaches . If headaches are part of life , you know well that Western medicine has no cure for your condition . If you're lucky , you've found a medicine that resolves the pain temporarily , without too many side effects . If you're not lucky , there are no medications to help with the pain . You may not believe this , but a vast majority of people suffering from headaches can be cured with acupuncture . No matter if you've...

Signs Of Brain Tumor

Let's start with what a tumor actually is . Basically , tumors are abnormal cells that grow at a faster rate than normal cells . A tumor can be benign ( meaning not malignant ) or malignant ( muh-lig-nuhnt meaning cancerous )There are many different types of brain tumors . First , primary brain tumors are tumors that begin in the brain ( not traveling from another part of the body ) . Any primary tumor refers to the type of tissue where the tumor first appeared . The most common brain tumors are call gliomas ( that's pronounced glahy-oh-muh )...

Stages Of The Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is just one of the commonest kinds of cancer . Cancer may be simply described as misbehaving maniac tissues that follow no regular pattern of life with continuous multiplication or extended life . Once being diagnosed with breast cancer , the treatment methods are decided depending up on a number of factors including the type of the cancer , its location , its spread or the stage of the cancer etc .Firstly the oncologist determines if the cancer is invasive or non-invasive .Non-invasive breast cancer - Like the name hints , when...